Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog Post #10

Papermate Versus Ticonderoga
    I have never owned a ticonderoga pencil and I am not sure what the allure is with such an expenisve pencil but I think that this is what the the cartoon wanted us to look at. Is it the quality or the quantity of teaching that we are looking for in our education system? I may even be overstepping but I feel that we need to be in the middle. We need quantity so that our students have the opportunity to sample many personalities and teaching styles. At the same time, you must have quality teachers.It reminds me of the Mac versus PC commercials.
 two cartoon characters are talking, one says he is a papermate that is cheap and breaks easily. The other cartoon identifies himself as a Ticonderoga and he is expensive, but well made.
two men looking at eachother

It is really important to keep this in mind when you begin teaching because some of your students will buy into the idea that they are either good or bad students by nature and it is a teachers job to change that. they are not ticonderogas or papermates, they have no boundaries.

Don't teach your kids this?

In this post,Mr. McCloud expresses his mind on the use of technology within his classroom and classrooms in general. Spencer takes all of the normal concerns of those who don't fully appreciate the uses of technology in the classroom and puts them to us in a sarcastic and cajoling way. He tells everyone at the end of his post that he can't wait to see his student's, who are taking full advantage of technology, level of integration into the job and world markets in the coming years. I agree with him that we as teachers will need to integrate all sources of knowledge into our classrooms, especially because our students success is directly connected to our own. I agree that it is going to be essential to teaching and students to learn in new and exciting ways in the future. However, I don't think that sarcastic is beneficial for his case. We need to present a plan of action for the use of the materials in our classes and present that to parents and board members. People like a plan much more than a sarcastic comment about their inability to change.

Kids Playing games to learn, Preposterous! You need to read this! Okay, I completely understand that not everyday in school is going to be fun or exciting, but I also know that if the student isn't applying what he knows often and in a positive way, he will lose it. Memorization won't work in the upcoming job market because the technology of tomorrow will not be easy to use and remember. It is taking me a lot to keep up with technology today. Teachers will need to find new ways to ensure that students learn the material and remember it even long after the test is over and the grades are in. Now, playing games may not be the best way to do this but it is certainly not the worst and ensures that the student can recall the content in a positive matter rather than as a test he failed or class he hated.


  1. Hello Sidney,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. Your belief on Papermate Versus Ticonderoga was very different from mines, but I can see why you believe in your theory. I did not find very many errors in your post but I will list the few that I found.
    what the the cartoon…… delete one the
    expenisve……… expensive
    teachers.It……….. teachers. It
    they are not ticonderogas or papermates,……… They are not ticonderogas or papermates,
    keep up the good work!

  2. Sidney,
    Your post was very creatively and intelligently written! Very impressive. That said, you have a lot of grammatical errors. I won't list them here, but if you would like help eradicating them, I would be happy to help you :)
    Keep up the good work,

    1. Thanks Carly. I will take you up on that as soon as I can.

  3. Sidney,

    I love your view on the Ticonderoga vs the Papermate. You took your explanation to the next level by comparing it to Education, which I did not. Also, I agree with you in the fact that teachers must continue to learn throughout their career. You are exactly correct when you said, "Memorization won't work in the upcoming job market."

    However, I did see some grammatical mistakes. For example, in your statement, "It is really important to keep this in mind when you begin teaching because some of your students will buy into the idea that they are either good or bad students by nature and it is a teachers job to change that", I believe that there should be a comma before the word "and." In my opinion, these are two sentences.

    Here is another example that I wanted to point out to you:

    "they are not ticonderogas or papermates, they have no boundaries. " -Always remember to capitalize the first word at the beginning of a sentence! Also, I would take out the comma here and place the word "because" there in its place. (That is just my personal preference though.)

    On a positive note, you have some very, very good insight! I loved reading your wonderful ideas and thoughts. I know that if you proof-read your next blog post the next student will not have any grammar advise for you. Keep up the hard work! :)

    Your classmate,

    Amy Archer

    P.S.- Do not hesitate to check my grammar on my blog post as well. I love getting all the help I can get! :)

    1. Thanks Amy. I was writing this post really late at night, after work actually, and I missed a lot. I appreciate your desire to help me and I will go back and fix the errors you pointed out.
