Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog Post #12

A project I would use, Hmm?

cartoon representation of William Shakespeare
This is one of the assignments that was more challenging for me. I think it is because I have had such a hard time seeing the integration of technology and high school classes. Now I think I have a little more understanding of how to use technology in my classes and how it can help me to become a better instructor. So here is the assignment.

Bring your literature to life!
I have never personally liked the monotone readings that students have had in class but I am going to try and change that. Each of you is to decide on your favorite poem/play/short story we have covered this semester and post a video to Youtube. This is to be a Dramatic reading, which means no monotone readings! I want you to read it how the author wrote it, filled with emotion. Every play that has every been written would have been a flop if the actors acted their part the same way. So, decide for yourself the tone of the literature. Is he sad, happy, angry, is the author in love or just jealous? Take all of this into consideration and try to convey how you feel into the reading. On a follow up project, you will critique your fellow students videos and decide if their reading of the work is the same as theirs. You will comment on the video saying whether you agree or disagree and support your point of view, so be prepared to have an opinion about the works they choose. It might not be a bad idea to go back over the work yourself and see if your opinion of the work has changed. Use this video as a baseline idea. Good Luck.

1 comment:

  1. Sid,
    Great job! I really liked the idea of this post. Your reading was really good too. I especially liked the idea of getting the students to constructively critique other students and then writing about how watching/listening to classmates' readings changed their conception of the work. Very creative! Keep up the good work :)
