Sunday, December 2, 2012

Final Progress Report on My PLN

My Progress on My PLN

I have been experimenting with some of the icons on and have found some new icons to try out but I have been able to find many that offer much help for the upper grades of education. I am sure that more are on their way and I intend to keep using the site and trying to use new technology in my classes in the future.

C4K #4

Zachary G. and the School of Rock

Zachary G. is writing about the incredible Ivan. His story covered in three different posts but I will include them all."George doesn’t want Ruby to end up like Stella. He puts up a poster that says home on it. Ivan made the poster. George, Ivan and Julia are trying to protect Ruby. The meaning of principal is a deed.Stella said”can you make a promise to keep Ruby safe” to Ivan. Ivan can’t keep that promise because he is in another enclosure. The next morning Ivan knew Stella died before anyone else. Ivan didn’t sleep all night because Stella used the word promise and Stella never uses that word.Julia and Ivan have a special bond. They both love art. Julia is so different because she sees Ivan as an intelligent creature. Julia can see and understand Ivan’s drawings better than the other kids. The other children think it is cool to have a gorilla drawing on their wall, so they will pay for it. The drawings are important to Mack because he makes money from them. They are important to Julia because she sees them as beautiful pieces of art. They make her feel connected to Ivan." I left him a comment telling him that I had read all of his Incredible Ivan posts and encouraging him to keep writing.

Zela and the book Speak
 Book cover for Speak. Features falling leaves and a pair of eys.
"Speak" Reflection This book was actually really good! At first I didn't think that it would because I don't really like things about rape because I don't know how to handle it. This book showed me that not everybody has a perfect life and doesn't have problems. Even though this book dealt with grave things like rape, it also showed that the "popular" people have things to hide as well. I think people look at the so called popular people like they either have or get everything they want so why would they hurt their reputation over something stupid. Like I mentioned before not everybody is perfect and this book helped me realize it. Posted by Kela Wilson at 9:22 AM
I responded to her like this..."Hey Kela, My name is Sidney Jensen and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I read all of your posts about Melinda and Speak. I have not read this book myself but my sister read this book for school last year and after a quick call home, I got a quick synopsis of the book. It sounds like a good read. Do you think that Melinda's art teacher could have done anymore to help her? Do you feel that you could have forgiven her for ruining the party? Please let me know at my blog"

Jennifer and her Reflections of Speak.
This book seems to be popping up all over the place. Jennifer also posted a comment about the Book Speak. She posts "Second time reading Speak...still as amazing as when I read it when I was ten years old. This book seems to always give chills down my spine, why? Because it reveals some struggles of a 14-years old girl who was afraid to speak up for herself so instead she kept quiet and changed her whole personality due to that one tragedy. This book reveals thought of what some kids think when they have experienced something so horrible that they are afraid to say anything scared that they may be hurt again or be picked on for what has happened to them. If I could rate this I would rate it 4.5/5." I responded to her like this: Hey Jennifer, I am Sidney Jensen. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. You are the second high school student I have commented to about this book "Speak". I may have to go and read it after the semester is over. I am glad that you can take so many important concepts from the book. I am not sure I understand your rating system but I would love to hear more about why you feel so strongly about this book. If you would like, I invite you to comment on my blog at I hope you have a great school year and good luck in your future readings.

C4T #4

Mr. John Spencer writes a very interesting blog in the first post I was able to read he said " Remember Pencil Quests? It was somewhere in my sophomore year and the teacher was bubbling over with excitement. "We're going on a Pencil Quest!" he exlaimed. I raise my hand. "So, you will take us to various sites. Is it like a field trip?" "Yep," he says. "And each site will have a page that you will read. When you read the page, you'll answer questions." "Like a textbook?" I ask. "More like a moving textbook," he says, "with tons of pages. Imagine that!" "I thought it was a quest," a student says. "It is!" "And the conflict driving the quest is?" I ask. "Um . . . I don't know. Finishing it, I think. But it's an adventure." I nod my head, "Got it. Like a Scavenger Hunt. Do we solve riddles to find new places?" "Not exactly. You have a map." "So, I can choose my own route." "No, the route is determined ahead of time." The crazy part? We ran from site to site with exuberance. We were happy to be using our pencils, even if the pencil still wasn't all that social. We loved the notion of multiple pages. I look back now at the Pencil Quests and I'm a little embarrassed by it. Yet, those were the pioneers. Those were the ones doing something different. And here's the thing: my students are excited about our projects and our problem-based learning. They're excited about plogs and pen pal networks. It has me wondering what they'll look back at and consider to be quaint." I stated that I wished I had had a teacher who put together engaging assignments for us as students, too.

In His second post Mr. Johnson relates an instance when an "academy" salesman comes to his school. It goes something like,..."I would like you to consider the flipping your classroom," he says. "Pardon," my principal interjects, "I am not about to have someone flipping off our students." "No, it's not that at all. See, we have a whole system that you can use in a pencil-based classroom. Imagine this: each child learns discreet skills independently. Step-by-step they move through a sequential order designed for the mastery of each math skill. It is powerful. Indeed, it pretty much replaces the role of the teacher. As we think of a modern pedagogy and differentiated instruction, you need resources to reach every child, every time," he explains. If only I had my Buzzword Bingo card with me. I probably wouldn’t have a blackout, but definitely a five-in-a-row. Besides, what he's advocating is not even a truly flipped classroom. It's simply a stack of packets. "Wouldn't it make sense to have students use paper and pencil to write essays and solve equations instead? What if they did some of it independently and worked cooperatively together instead? What if they developed their own problems?" I argue. Missing the sarcasm, the slick suit snake oil salesman answers, “That sounds great. But aren't you tired of kids not working? This allows each child to work at his or her level independently." “If I didn't know how to teach I would use this product instead,” I answer. Missing the sarcasm, he says, “Exactly. The program is designed to fit the needs of teachers struggling to provide adequate intervention.” Intervention? Are we dealing with drug addicts here or with children who can't comprehend expository text? “I just don’t see the appeal of this. It’s a series of worksheets,” I explain. “Wrong! It’s an academy. It’s a whole system of learning. Kids get to pick their worksheets and the follow the instructions. Can you help every kid at every moment?” “Well, I can’t. But if I have given them the freedom . . .” “So, you can’t help each child in the moment? Is that correct?” he asks. “That's true, but . . .” “There you have it,” he points to the principal. And so, with that, the con artist and his con academy have prevailed over the voice of a teacher. I get it. This con academy is a free gift. However, so was the Trojan Horse."

I fell that Mr. Spencer has a point in that he needs to be wary of any system that has set boundaries as to how and when students learn certain principles and I defiantly agree that worksheets just for working sake is not a good way to teach. I responded as follows,I agree with some of my previous colleagues in their comments about this post that it is not so much the system but its implementation and use in the classroom that will make or break the students subjected to it. Although videos and worksheets may reinforce learning, they do not instigate it very often and that is the objective of the "flipped teacher". Though I am not yet a full time teacher, I hope that all teachers take the time to evaluate their use of all available resources to help their students to succeed. Remember always that your biggest question should be "Is this going to help the majority of my students?" If it becomes at any point more about you or proving you are right, your students lose and so do you."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Progress Report for Project 16

Jazmin Montgomery and I are working together on the final project and we want to make an inspirational video to help motivate future EDM 310 students. We have set up several interviews for this coming Tuesday and we are planning to meet and discuss the project on Tuesday as well.

Post #13

Repetition is the best Teacher?

As we near the end of the course, I feel like we continue to beat a dead horse as far as content. I really begin to see that we need the repetition to reinforce that we can involve our students from day one in our classroom. As teachers, our responsibilities to our students must include preparing them for what is to come. This includes the job and higher education markets. That being said, I would like to focus on what is different about these two videos. I decided to embed the video "Back to the Future" because I feel that it offers the best examples for us to use in our classes.

One of the things I love about this video is that the teacher demonstrated that one subject, like science, can bleed over into other subjects. Note how he used a science project and included in it principles from English and writing skills, math ,and reading comprehension. I also loved how he involved every child, no matter if they were "at risk", impoverished, or even unable to physically attend class because of health risk. All students deserve the chance to have a class experience that is positive. The A Vision of Students Today video showed its viewer the truth about how relevant a role technology plays in the life of students. I was not that surprised that students don't read their assigned readings simply because I believe that they aren't tested on the reading as a whole but on small points that are covered in the in class discussion of the work. I hope to change that in my classroom.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog Post #12

A project I would use, Hmm?

cartoon representation of William Shakespeare
This is one of the assignments that was more challenging for me. I think it is because I have had such a hard time seeing the integration of technology and high school classes. Now I think I have a little more understanding of how to use technology in my classes and how it can help me to become a better instructor. So here is the assignment.

Bring your literature to life!
I have never personally liked the monotone readings that students have had in class but I am going to try and change that. Each of you is to decide on your favorite poem/play/short story we have covered this semester and post a video to Youtube. This is to be a Dramatic reading, which means no monotone readings! I want you to read it how the author wrote it, filled with emotion. Every play that has every been written would have been a flop if the actors acted their part the same way. So, decide for yourself the tone of the literature. Is he sad, happy, angry, is the author in love or just jealous? Take all of this into consideration and try to convey how you feel into the reading. On a follow up project, you will critique your fellow students videos and decide if their reading of the work is the same as theirs. You will comment on the video saying whether you agree or disagree and support your point of view, so be prepared to have an opinion about the works they choose. It might not be a bad idea to go back over the work yourself and see if your opinion of the work has changed. Use this video as a baseline idea. Good Luck.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

C4K Posts and Responses for October 2012

Charlie's Post
In her post,Charlietells a story about two girls from a book she recently I loved listening to her tell the story she had read in her own words.

Anders and Sharks

In his post, Anders said this, "Sharks are one of the fastest fish. Sharks wave their tails side to side. They have good senses. I think they are the scariest fish in the ocean." I shared this with him. "My name is Sidney Jensen and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I don’t like sharks at all, but I think that there might be a few down here in the summer time. They are scary but scary doesn’t mean bad, and there are so many different kinds, too. Please keep writing and learning and write me back if you can. This is my blog at"

Special Blog Post for Week 3

This post was from two teachers in Ireland, and I was assigned to comment on the Irish Blessing, as shown below.
 Irish Blessing

I responded like this, "I really love this quote. This is one of the most famous verses in Ireland. I have sang several versions of it over my career in both high school and Allstate choral groups. I really love the second line, "may the wind be ever at your back,". I love the idea of being propelled forward to change and a better tomorrow. I pray you all have a great time in Ireland and let me know about any other beautiful verses. Feel free to message me on my email or twitter. You can find both on my blog at"
Brittany C's Post

“Kids here is the list of things u need to back” Mom says and hands us a list of things to pack.
“But mom thats a lot of things to pack in this little time” Tyler says.
“ Its not all for you two. It’s for all of us. “okay we’re going to go pack out cloths and stuff” Tyler and I said. I got all of our dirty clothes and put them in the laundry. After that, I went up stairs and started to pick out some of my clothes.
“Pack warm clothes it’s going to be cold up there” Mom yells up to us.
“okay mom” we say back. I packed most of my clothes. It was hard to pick what to pack because I didn’t know what I wanted to wear when I got up there. After I got most of my clothes packed I came down stairs. I looked at the list I decided to started to gather all the fishing things and set them out in the garage. I helped my mom pack to food. We got all the food packed but the cold stuff.
“We will pack the cold stuff early in the morning” mom says. I put the clothes in the dryer after they were done washing. Then, I went and took a shower. After I got out, I asked my mom if she needed any help.
She said “no I think we got most of the things we need packed”
We can’t forget about the cold food in the morning” I told mom.
“I will set the box by the freezer so we don’t forget” It was about nine pm now. I went to bed early so I could get up early and help finish packing the stuff and help load it.
I wake up at my alarm beeping at me. I looked at the alarm clock and seen it was only five am.
“Ugh I wanna go back to bed” I say to myself. I layed in bed for about another five minutes. I got up and finished packing my clothes and stuff. I set my bag by the door so I wouldn’t forget it. That would have been bad if I did. I hopped in the shower after that. I got dressed and did my hair. By that time my mom and her boyfriend were up and getting ready. I went upstairs and woke up my brother.
“Do I have to wake up now?” Tyler says.
“Yes you do it’s seven and you need to help load the truck up” I reply back.
“Ugh fine!” he says in a grumpy mood. I went back downstairs and helped my mom pack the cold food. After we were done we all checked and made sure we got everything we needed. We locked up the house and got into the car and went to meet the other people that were going with us.
We pull up into the gas station in Cassville,Wisconsin. My mom put gas in the truck and I went in and used the restroom before we started our long journey to Canada
“Pick out something to eat and something to drink” Mom told my brother and I.
So we did and we payed for it and went back into the truck.
“This is going to be a long and boring ride” I told my brother.
“Yeah no joke. At least I have my fone and at least we have little tvs so we can watch movies.” I reply back to him.
There we go and pull out of the gas station and were on our way to Canada. I loved that we were going to be going to Canada for a week, but I don’t like the thought about riding in a truck the whole time up there.
“Are we going to stop at any hotels and stay overnight ?” I ask my mom.
“Yes we will drive all today and all to night and stay over at a hotel tomorrow night.”
So I was glad that we would stay over at a hotel. I got the movie case out and picked out a movie. I picked Saw two. I put it in and after like an hour after watching it I fell asleep. My brother fell asleep after like twenty minutes into the ride. I slept for about two and a half hours.
I woke up and ask “Are we there yet?”
“No not even close” mom replies back at me.
“Ugh fine” I said. So I just shut my eyes and listened to my ipod.
After a while, we found a sit down diner and we went there and ate. It was nice to get out of the truck and stretched out my legs. I was getting tired of sitting in the truck. We waked into the restaurant and had to wait to be seated. We didn’t have to wait long. We got seated.
“What would you guys like to drink?” the waiter say. Then, we told them what we wanted. We looked at the menu and decided what we wanted to eat. The waitress came back with our drinks.
“Are you ready to order or do you guys still need a while?” The waiter asked us.
“Um I think we’re ready to order.” My mom said. So, we told her what we wanted to order. While they were making out food I listened to music on my ipod and texted and my brother was playing his DS. It took them about twenty minutes or so to cook all of our food. Finally, our food was done. I was the first to get my food. I put away my ipod and phone and started eating. The food was really good. After we were all done eating my brother and I went and played games for about fifteen minutes.
“Kids you ready to get back on the road?” My mom asked us.
“Not really but whatever.” I reply back.
So we got back into the truck. It was about three hours until we got to the hotel we were going to be staying at a hotel for the night. It was going to be a boring three hour ride. I just did the normal as I have been doing. Listening to my ipod and texting my friends.
We got to the hotel and got our bags out and went into the hotel and checked in and went up to our room. We were on the fourth floor. When we got in our rooms we got our swimming suits on and went down to the pool. I went into the hot tube first.The pool area was huge! It had a kiddy area, a hot tube area, and a water park like area. We swam for about an hour and a half. We went back up to our room and took showers and got ready to go out to eat and go bowling.
After we got done getting ready we went to a fancy diner. We had to wait ten minutes before we got seated. It was really packed. When we got seated the girl asked us what we wanted to drink and what we wanted to eat so we all told her what we wanted.
“This is going to take forever for our food because this place is so packed” I told the people who were at my table.
“Yeah no kidding” my brother says. Twenty-five minutes later our food arrived. I was starving by then. We ate and then went bowling and went home.
After we got done bowling we went back to the hotel and went to bed. The next morning we got up at six pm. We all got our showers done and headed out on the road again. We had three and a half hours before we get into Canada. I slept for two and half hours of the trip. Then for an hour I watched a movie.
“We are officially in Canada kids” my mom tells us.
“Yay!! Finally!” my brother and I yelled.
“I’m so glad we don’t have to sit in the truck any longer.” I said. It was about twenty minutes before we get to where we will be staying. I just listened to my ipod and looked at the window. It was pretty view up there.
Twenty minutes later we get to the place where we will be staying. We stayed in a cabin and the cabin was huge. It was pretty cool too. We got there and my mom and I unloaded all the boxes. The guys went down to the lake and put the boat in the water and tied it to the dock. I have to say it is way warmer in Iowa than Canada. It was only fourty-five degrees out up where we were. We were next to the lake too so it was even colder. It was cold in the cabin when we first walked in. We turned the heat up right away. The guys went up to the office and told the owner we were here and they payed him. They also got wood for the campfire. As the guys were doing that my mom was putting the food away and I was making the beds. After I was done making the beds, I unpacked my clothes. It was about five pm. So we just decided to eat and just chill out for the night.
“Any ideas for supper?” Mom asks us.
“Do we have stuff to make homemade pizza?” I ask
“Yes, I do. That is what I will make than.” Mom says.
So while she started to make supper I help her get everything together. I was cooking the hamburger and she was getting the dough ready and getting the other stuff out. “Do you need me to do anything else?” I asked my mom
“No I can get it from here.Thanks for helping” Mom says.
“No problem.” I reply back.
So now I decided to go take a shower and get my lazy clothes on. By the time I was out of the shower the pizza was done.
“Mmm this pizza is the best Mom!!” My brother says.
“Yes I have to agree with you.” I said.
After we were done eating,I helped put the food away and did the dishes for my mom. When I was done we all sat down and watched movies. We watched two movies and then went to bed so we could get up early the next morning.
“Okay guys I’m going to bed so I can get up early. Goodnight.” Mom said.
“Goodnight Mom.” My brother and I said.
So we all went to bed.
It was seven the next morning and I’m just waking up. I got up and started to help my mom make breakfast. We had bacon,eggs,hashbrowns,and toast. After we were done eating I went and took a shower and got ready to head out on the lake. After we all took our showers, we stuff to go out on the lake. It was freezing outside. I had a lot of clothes on.
“We got everything packed and ready to go?” My mom asked us.
“Yes I just need to get my boots on and then i’m ready to go.” I said.
We walked down to the boat and put our things into the boat. Then, we all got in. We headed out on the lake. It was really really cold out when we were riding in the boat. We spent the whole day fishing. I got really bored and wanted to go back the cabin.
“I am not coming out on the boat for the rest of the time we are here.I will go find something else to do.” I told them.
“Fine but you will get bored there too.” My mom said.
“No I won’t I’ll have more fun in the cabin then sitting here freezing my butt off.” I said back.
So when we got back I went and took a hot shower and got warm lazy clothes on. I had mac and cheese for supper that night. Then I went to bed.
The next day I got to sleep in while they got up early and went out fishing. I slept in until noon. Then, I got up and made something to eat and watched tv and was lazy all day. I do have to say it was nice staying in the cabin alone and being lazy for the day.
It was six pm and they are just getting back. I made supper for myself and they had something else.
“How was it today? Did you guys get anything? Was it cold out like yesterday?” I asked.
“It was good today. Yes, we did get something. We got twenty fish so thats what we will have for supper. And yes it was a little chilly out today. What did you today?”
“Gross!! I’m not having fish. Plus I already had supper. I slept in until noon then got up and made something to eat and then watched movies all day and was lazy. It was nice not having anyone here.”
So they started to make their supper while I went and looked at the fish. They were really weird looking. After they ate we all watched movies.
“Tomorrow is our last day. Better enjoy it while you can.” mom says.
“Yes I will enjoy it because I will be going to the gift shop and going to buy some shirts.” I said.
“Okay I will leave to some money. Can you load up the bedding and stuff please?” mom asks me.
“Yes I will get up at eight and started loading things and then take a shower then go to the gift shop.” I said.
“Thank you.” mom said.
“Your Welcome.” I said.
So now we all went to bed.
The next morning I got up at seven and got in the shower and got ready for the day. after I was out of the shower I went and made something to eat. Then, I got everything packed up and started to put things in the truck while the others were out on the lake. After I packed everything and put it in the truck I went to the gift shop and went and looked at what I wanted to buy. I got a sweatshirt and a t-shirt. Then, after I got done there I just went back to the cabin and relaxed.
About two hours later they came back. My mom packed all the food and the guys loaded the up. Then, we went to the office and checked out and headed home. I had a blast there. I hope we come back to the same place soon.
The ride home was really long and boring like on the way here.

My Response
Hey there Brittany, My name is Sidney Jensen and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed your story about your trip to Canada. You have a really good memory to have all that stuff written down and so accurately, too. I would like to know where you went, it sounds like it was a lot of fun. I wish I could have a “lazy day” in some “lazy cloths”. If you have the time, you should check out my blog at

Blog Post #11

Ms. Cassidy and her Techno Kids
      In her two videos,First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class and Skype interview with Ms. Cassidy, Ms. Cassidy shows us how she works with her students to show others how they use technology in their classroom. I must admit that even I was a little skeptical about the students playing Nintendo DS' in class. I loved to hear the students defending their playing games in class so much that I soon forgot my misgivings. As they put it, it teaches them teamwork and sharing as well as problem-solving. It amazes me that First Graders are blogging, making internet videos, and working on the internet to learn and grow in such an amazing way. I wonder how I will be able to use this in my future classroom, as I hope to work in the eleventh and twelfth grades. If students are doing this in first grade, how good will they be at it by the time that they reach me in the twelfth grade? Will they be board with blogging about specific works of literature? Would they even find it tedious to make a podcast about what they learned from reading Mythology or Tom Saywer? Are there any Nintendo games on college preparation grammar? I guess I will need to look and see what all I can find as far as material. I do think I can find new ways to challenge my students though, because there is always something new and innovative out there if you and I are willing to look.
teenagers using technology in a group project

     I also love the idea of using the class blog as an online portfolio of the students work. I agree that this is a huge help to teachers to prove how well the students are doing in their classes. I am not a big fan of the no child left behind act because it shifted the responsibility of learning off of the shoulders of the students and their parents and placed it on the shoulders of the teachers. This act had good intentions but I feel that since its implementation many students have done what humans are so prone to do , coast through life on the path of least resistance. This also means the least amount of learning, unfortunately. By using the resources available, students can show how much they truly understand about the subject and you have a written record of what has, or has not, been done in the class. I also think that it will help me as a teacher to see how much my students are applying themselves and how they can show me what really matters to them.

      I think the greatest roadblocks I will have in using technology in class will be school boards.I don't think that parents will be against the use of technology in classes because they will be able to check their children's progress and see this as a stepping stone to college learning. I think that the school boards and administrations will probably cause the me the most trouble because they may be set in what they think is the right way to teach. I will try to overcome this by showing them what we are doing, giving prompt updates about our progress, and inviting them to come in and monitor any of our classes. The trust that will result through this and not through sarcasm and complaint will give me the opportunity to help my students and stay out of the politics as much as possible.

C4T #3

This past month I was a assigned to comment on John Burke's class blog Quantum Progress. John's earlier post focused on rethinking how he taught specific principles in his class. One thing that I really liked is that he recognized that he was not helping his students learn anything by asking them questions that went against their natural line of thinking. He illustrates this through his class in physics. When he asked a student in the class which end of a slinky falls first, the top or the bottom? The student responded that it was the bottom and then John would demonstrate the top falls first, to which the students often responded that "Physics is hard." This is when he decides that he needs to re-evaluate how he teaches. He decided to teach his students how to decide the way to find out which will fall first and then ask them which they think will occur. this is inspiring for me as a teacher because I need to change my mannerisms as a teacher to help my students understand. It is my job to make sure that they learn.

In his other post, actually his latest post and the first one I was able to read is about being able to integrate the sciences to teach principles. Though the title suggests that the post is about peer review and correction, but if you read into the post you will find this argument.
I’d like to think I would have caught this error if I’d paid closer attention to the video as I was watching it and trying to decide whether to forward it, but honestly, my recollection of the AP chemistry class I took 20 years ago is now rather faded, and redox reactions are definitely one of the gaping holes in my understanding.
"But I see this as a really exciting interdisciplinary moment—here’s a great physicist, stepping pretty far outside his area of expertise to talk about a topic in biology, photosynthesis, only to be called out on incorrect chemistry by a biologist. It’s all the more exciting that Feynman made this mistake, since it shows we all make mistakes, which is a great lesson for my students to see.
This is exactly the type of interdisciplinary learning I’d like to be setting my students up to do. However, I’m not sure I am setting them up to understand ideas like this, since they see most topics in year long courses completely isolated from one another. Could a biology student hear an explanation from a physicist about photosynthesis and bring up his understanding of redox reactions from the previous year’s study of chemistry to check Feynman’s work? I’m skeptical. And I’m sure than none of them would be able to push to the extra layer of thinking about how we might be able to know this experimentally by using radioisotopes. So how do we teach science students to think in this interdisciplinary manner?"

In both of my responses I stated that I respected his ideas, especially with his post exploring balanced forces and the nature of locality with slinkies. I posted this answer about inter-discipline learning
"Forgive my humble opinion, I am a future teacher in Edm 310 right now and am probably woefully optimistic, but I don’t think one teacher is possible or beneficial to students. I think that if you were to open the walls of our classrooms, so to speak, so that some of other subjects can bleed into our classes, this will allow students to see the connections between subjects. I think that you could take a lesson in physics through the bio-teachers point of view, maybe even having that teacher teach the lesson, and vice versa. I could also see this as only confusing to students as they would be trying to absorb information from two different viewpoints. I don’t know, it would definitely a planning nightmare to do it this way."

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Special Blog Post Assignment

Mr. Thrun's World Without Grades

In the USA article, Mr. Thrun gives his case for what he feels will be the school of the future. He tells us about his recent trip into "Wonderland" of the virtual classroom. With the help of just a few assistants he plans to revolutionize the way that classes are taught. He talks about his first virtual class that allows students to join his free online class on artificial intelligence. Over 160,000 students registered for the course, which fuels his ideas and hopes for the future. In his ideal class, students attend and progress at their own pace. Students will have a learning opportunity that is completely different from what is available to students today. His classes will give students the chance to learn through games and real life situations like the "Rescue Apollo Astronauts" game he mentions, which answers the students ever p
Dr. Thurn giving a lecture in jeans and a long sleeved tee shirt
resent complant. "When will I ever use this in my job?"
I agree with Mr. Thurn that this is an excellent new way of looking at the education system, a place where student success is measured by their own mastery of the curriculum. Also, if grades were eliminated, students would probably stick with a class longer than those who realize they are not going to pass and simply drop the course. Free also sounds good to me, especially right now with my own college bills rising every semester. Where I find fault with this type of schooling is that it seems to isolate the student from physical interaction with students. Dr. Strange has shown us in EDM 310 that group projects are possible and even more effective in online courses as far as being able to verify who did what in the group. I feel that this is not all that we need to teach our children. They need to know how to deal with real life situations and be able to interact with real human beings instead of computer screens. I also think that grades will be important as long as schooling is important because this calibrates the future employers into finding the best of the best for their positions. As long as we need a way to show aptitude, grades will remain in the picture.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog Post #10

Papermate Versus Ticonderoga
    I have never owned a ticonderoga pencil and I am not sure what the allure is with such an expenisve pencil but I think that this is what the the cartoon wanted us to look at. Is it the quality or the quantity of teaching that we are looking for in our education system? I may even be overstepping but I feel that we need to be in the middle. We need quantity so that our students have the opportunity to sample many personalities and teaching styles. At the same time, you must have quality teachers.It reminds me of the Mac versus PC commercials.
 two cartoon characters are talking, one says he is a papermate that is cheap and breaks easily. The other cartoon identifies himself as a Ticonderoga and he is expensive, but well made.
two men looking at eachother

It is really important to keep this in mind when you begin teaching because some of your students will buy into the idea that they are either good or bad students by nature and it is a teachers job to change that. they are not ticonderogas or papermates, they have no boundaries.

Don't teach your kids this?

In this post,Mr. McCloud expresses his mind on the use of technology within his classroom and classrooms in general. Spencer takes all of the normal concerns of those who don't fully appreciate the uses of technology in the classroom and puts them to us in a sarcastic and cajoling way. He tells everyone at the end of his post that he can't wait to see his student's, who are taking full advantage of technology, level of integration into the job and world markets in the coming years. I agree with him that we as teachers will need to integrate all sources of knowledge into our classrooms, especially because our students success is directly connected to our own. I agree that it is going to be essential to teaching and students to learn in new and exciting ways in the future. However, I don't think that sarcastic is beneficial for his case. We need to present a plan of action for the use of the materials in our classes and present that to parents and board members. People like a plan much more than a sarcastic comment about their inability to change.

Kids Playing games to learn, Preposterous! You need to read this! Okay, I completely understand that not everyday in school is going to be fun or exciting, but I also know that if the student isn't applying what he knows often and in a positive way, he will lose it. Memorization won't work in the upcoming job market because the technology of tomorrow will not be easy to use and remember. It is taking me a lot to keep up with technology today. Teachers will need to find new ways to ensure that students learn the material and remember it even long after the test is over and the grades are in. Now, playing games may not be the best way to do this but it is certainly not the worst and ensures that the student can recall the content in a positive matter rather than as a test he failed or class he hated.

Green Screen Video

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blog Post # 9

Mr. McClungs First and Fourth years of teaching

 personal photo of Joe McClung
Mr. McClung's blog was really inspiring and is something I have been told to do by other teachers. I decided to read his first post from 2009 and his last post from 2011 to 2012.
  In his first blog post, McClung identifies several categories of self improvement that he had noticed the past year. He talks about the importance of reading his crowd, or his students. I think that several teachers get stuck in a rut when they try to worry too much about what the other teachers and/or parents think about how they teach rather than how they engage their students. Teachers must always remember who we are teaching and focus on their needs above all else. Secondly, He reminds all of us to not take ourselves too seriously. The perfect lesson exists in the perfect dream and we will probably never be there, so we need to be ready to shift our lesson if necessary. We need to facilitate learning and that doesn't always follow a lesson plan. I have worked in Boy Scouts for many years now and one of the things that they emphasize was communication. Mr. McClung feels that this is super important as well. We need to make sure that we are communicating with our fellow teachers just as effectively and concisely as we are when we are teaching our students a new idea or concept. Misunderstandings have ended as many careers as mistakes and bad decisions have. Teachers also have to make sure that they place the bar high enough but not too high. Students need goals that are achievable but also force your students to stretch. Students need to hear that they made there goal and now have to move on to the next obstacle. He encourages teachers to not be afraid of technology and I believe that this is really important (If you need examples of that, check out all of the previous posts). Finally, he says that we must never stop learning. I think this is the most important thing for anyone to remember and apply in their life, learning ends in death alone. If we ever stop thinking there is more to learn, we have simply cut ourselves off from the opportunity to grow and do more.
  In the second post that I read, Mr McClung focuses on just two things because he felt like he would only be repeating himself from past posts. I feel like this is important too, we don't need to repeat ourselves to try and make a point. Our students can see through whether we are prepared and excited about a subject or if we are just on auto-pilot covering bases. If we ever feel like we are going in circles it is up to us to change our lineup, presentation, or even the assignments for things to keep ourselves and our students involved in learning. Every year is new and different and deserves the same enthusiasm that our first year of teaching. He also makes a pretty profound statement "You have to Dance with who you brought to the Dance." We must never forget that we became teachers for the students, no one else. We began the dance with our students, and we cannot end it with someone else. they rely on us and we rely on them, not only for a pay check but for new ideas, perspectives, and hopes.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Project 9b

Here is My Prezi on Greek Gods. Enjoy!

Blog Post #8

This is How We Dream Videos

While I listened to the This is How We Dream videos, I couldn't help but wonder what I could possibly write that hasn't already been said about the surging forward that technology has made in the past few years. In this blog alone I have covered the subject quite thoroughly.
Then I started listening to what the speaker was saying. I heard him say that the English research that he had done now lived a duel life, as a hard copy text, available to the patrons of a library, and as a digital copy, on the web available to the whole world for review and learning. He then said that the internet opened the information to all people and gives him the opportunity to bring into his writing visual,video, and audio information into his text.
I think that it is also important for him to have said that he didn't know what the next big breakthrough would be.I don't think that a teacher needs to be ahead of the curve or even right on the edge of change. I do feel that teachers need to be aware of the changes and advances in technology so that they can show their students how to use it. Even if it is just a taste of what is available, students can ,from that taste, fall in love with what they learn and take it onward into the edge or the future.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12

Holy smokes, this project was truly inspirational. Ms. Pugh is pretty good at taking things to an extreme in a good way. I don't think I could ever have done the work involved to get this project. Just going through these videos was so interesting. I especially liked the last video she had embeded in her post that served as a kind of reflection period for the watcher/reader to take all of the suggestions and examples given and use them to evaluate yourself as a teacher rather than show you how bad or good you are doing.I also see how this ties into the Dr. Miller's desire that we integrate and use technology to help us as teachers to prepare students for the future because she uses a chain of online information to help her teach specific principle and ideas. This will enable students to see that videos and visual media can teach as much as or more than simple book learning.

a comic strip featuring two people ,who love eachother, sitting in a nice restaurant, and in the next frame features the same male figure being hit in the face by a woman identified as his ex
Chipper and EDM 310 For Dummies

So it was nice to review the videos now that we are half way through and see if I have slipped into a "Chipper" mood. I feel like I would want to do a video explaining a specific post or project so that people have something like a tutorial to watch and use as a resource. This could also help the lab assistants so that if they cannot get a certain point across they can direct the student to the tutorial. Another possibility could be a "Good Idea, Bad Idea" video sequence showing good and bad habits you want to avoid or apply during your time in EDM 310.

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn

This video features several teachers talking about how the education system has to change in order to be effective in the coming job markets for students. I think the biggest thing I took from the video is the phrase "It is the death of Education, but it's the birth of learning, and I am happy about that." With the rise of the technology age, the usefulness of educators will decrease as sources of knowledge and increase as catalysts to learning. Knowledge is at all of our fingertips but it will be our responsibility to show them how to find out where the information came from and whether it is to be trusted.

Scavenger Hunting

I have to admit that this task seemed a little daunting but I think I found a few useful sites to add to my growing list of resources as a teacher. For my three items to hunt I choose the social network for teachers and students first. I signed up for an account with In this site alone, teachers can set up class groups, assign online quizzes, make polls, comment directly to students email or text message them, and post upcoming events and deadlines on a timeline so that their students can prepare for classes more effectively.
I decided to look at video tools next because I want to incorporate visual youth to some of the old dusty classics that we have to cover in the English courses I hope to teach in high school. PhotoPeach is a website that allows a user to embed quizzes and polls into photo compilations and even set the assignment to music. I think students would find it easier to do an identification test with a visual depiction of the character as well as a description of his personality. You could also use this to check comprehension of text by presenting your students with scenes from a play and then having them describe what was occurring in the scene.For my final Scavenger hunt item, I made a poll on Check it out.Here is My first Poll

Saturday, October 20, 2012

C4T Post #2

Miss Jenny She

In Ms. She's post entitled Ipads in My Classroom, Ms. She points out how happy she is about the opportunity to use this new tool in her classroom. In the beginning, Ms. She expressed a little nervousness and possibly agitation at having to incorporate the Ipad into her learning curriculum. This is probably what many teachers will feel as well. Possibly, they will feel that the ipad is to be used as a replacement for worksheets or busy work and I feel that this would be and is a huge mistake. Children will and can use the ipad for entertainment whenever possible and I feel that if I am granted the chance to have these advantages in my classroom I would use them to enhance the students learning experience. Ms. She has not taken the easy way out however and has download several math and literacy based apps for her students to learn with.

In her second post, posted August, 2011, she talks about the in class uses of Google Plus. She Relates a personal experience about her one of her siblings using Google Hangout to group study with some of her classmates. I think that this is a powerful tool that teachers will use in their classrooms to help students do group projects without having to travel long distances or find a convenient time and place for the group to meet. Ms. She is an interesting teacher to read and I hope she continues to use the available technology to better her students and herself.
Google app icons

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Networked Student and Teacher

Networking, its all about making the right connections, right?

Unfortunately for some of us, the world seems to be shrinking everyday because of technology. Teachers are constantly fighting a battle against becoming antiquated. A new app tells students answers to questions they haven’t even asked in class and their phones are now regulated in classes because they can be used to cheat on projects and tests. So, how do we make technology back into the tool that it should be, by making it a main stay in the classroom. Networking isn’t just a social thing anymore, students are using the internet to connect them with knowledge that even their teachers don’t know.

That being said, the big question becomes why have teachers at all? If all the information is available do students really need teachers? The answer is a resounding yes. The old adage goes that “knowledge is power,” but a lot of us are aware that power without direction and purpose causes more problems than it fixes. The teachers place is to facilitate their learning. We will need to show our students: where the good information is, how to verify it, and how to share it so that others can find it and see its credibility. That is why it is so important that teachers need to be technologically literate and internet savvy. How can we guide them to knowledge, if we don’t know where to get it? Or how to make sure that the information is correct? We cannot unless we accept that we don’t know everything and be willing to say “Let’s find out!”

What can a Seventh Grader Teach Me? A Lot, Actually

Okay, You need to watch this video, Personal Learning Networks. This is truly amazing. The way that Ms. Drexler has for her students to find information and prepare and present that information is truly exciting. I wonder if I will be able to let my students take the reins. I think that this will be the biggest problem for educators, being able to take an advisory rather than a control position in the learning system. As Dr. Strange says, to coach rather than teach.

C4K Comment Summary for September 2012

C4K Summary #1

I was able to post on several young writers blogs during this past month.I was amazed at the imagination of the students in New Zealand, especially a boy named Texas. His imagination and the way that he shaped the story for his reader was inspiring. All of the children were really amazing. It gave me hope that even though our world seems to be circling the drain, there are children that can still dream and hope.
The children really were wonderful and inspiring.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Post #6

Randy Pausch's Final Lecture

Randy Pausch is an educator to be emulated. I had never heard of him before this course, but I hope I can be like him one day. He captured the essence of teaching for others rather than for building up one’s own ego or credibility. If you haven’t, you need to watch this video,Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture . There were so many great tips in his lecture that it seems almost impossible to name them all. So instead, I will name the ones that stood out most to me.

One of the most important things in his lecture was the idea that “Brick walls are supposed to be there, they show us how badly we really want something.” All people, no matter their profession, will eventually hit that dead end. It isn’t when or why this happens to us that matters, it is how we choose to accept the challenge. For educators, it could be a problem student, a tenure denial, or simply a failing student. Rather than allow the “wall” to become an obstacle, Randy wants us to use it as an opportunity to test our resolve. Will the circumstances define our abilities or will we set our own parameters.

Secondly, teachers can have an immense influence on their students, but they should be showing their students how to influence others. The teachers place is to teach, but can you change forever. Randy Pausch didn’t defend his student to the dean who was after him because he disliked the dean. He did it because he saw his student’s potential for good, not his past failings or accomplishments. Can we do the same as educators? Can you stop the teacher who is talking about how horrible a student was for them from affecting our attitude towards him or her? Will we be able to put each child on a blank slate every year? We need to see a student’s potential rather than their past. Just like Randy, we need to see their work as exceptional and then turn around and say to them “That was great, but I know you can do better.”

One last point, make learning a “head game”. We need to be changing education from a written, boring system into a game or at least an agreeable situation. I think that I went to school for about three hours to learn and the rest of the time to have fun with my friends. I wasn’t there anxiously engaged in classes nearly as much as I was to have fun with my friends, be they fellow students or teachers. Sorry if I just identified myself as a geek. The classes and teachers I remember the most; however, are the ones where I could do both. When learning becomes less of a task and more of an experience to be shared and enjoyed, that is when I will feel like I have succeeded as an educator.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blog Post #5

The iSchool Conundrum
Travis Allen presents his case very well in his first video. School systems are at a major crossroads as far as education is concerned. As education boards across the world battle with rising costs and populations in schools, students suffer the short comings. Travis outlines in his video how the 2008 version of the Apple itouch technology could revolutionize the education problem in the twentieth century.
Travis is correct in that we need a revolution in the education industry. Previous posts in this and other Edm 310 blogs have outlined this need. Travis also shows that the savings per student could be up to four hundred and fifty dollars. So, why wasn’t this implemented? I gradutated from high school in 2007 in a rural area of Alabama and can understand that it will take time for the trickle down. What astounds me is that I have since substitute taught at my high school and I there isn’t even an inkling or glimmer of this in the schools.

Virtual Choir, Awesome!

Ok, I loved this video! Watch this!
I sang in a high school choir for seven odd years and know how hard it is to get a choir harmonizing, let alone using dynamics as well as they do. Throw into the mix that the members have not met apart from this choral work, and I would say it was impossible. I find myself believing in the impossible as we go through this course. Just another example to us all that, with the resources at our fingertips, we can begin to change our world for the better without even leaving our houses.

Teaching in the 21st Century? You ready?
In Kevin Roberts' presentation he shows how he feels education should be preparing the future student to enter his tomorrow. I agree with him. Schools shouldn't be testing students about things that they could "google" the answer for, rather teach them how to filter that information and present it for others. Instead of asking the student "What was Shakespeare's most famous tragedy?" ask, " What are some of the problems presented in Romeo and Juliet? Respond how you could have solved these problems differently?" This opens things up for the student to look up overviews and outlines of the play, but also gives them the opportunity to problem solve and ask themselves moral questions. (Is vengance an acceptable plea for what happened? or, How can I argue my point when my parents dissapprove of my decisions?)

Do you need to flip your classroom?

The flipped classroom approach seems more like a collegiate level of learning at first glance. Students’ being responsible for learning the basics of a concept the day before it is to be covered in class sure sounds like college to me. I do, however, like this style of teaching. By having students be responsible for learning basic principles, teachers can focus on deeper topics or comprehension rather than just presentation. Students in a high school English class could have heard the definitions of new vocabulary and historical information about a book the night before a class, opening up the class period for discussion of concepts and plot mapping in the class. I also suggest that you watch some of the videos posted by Katie Gimbar has posted in response to questions like What if students don't watch the videos? and What about students with no access?. These videos show how the student can be just as responsible for their learning as their teachers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog Post #4

Links to Podcast Teaching
So, I loved the ideas given in the links. In 1st Graders Create Their Own Read-along Audiobook, students are given the opportunity to take an interesting approach to the old book report. The students did an interview style review of chapter content. This reinforces key principles for the children as well as gives them the opportunity to put themselves in character. One of the great comments made by Ms. Tolsano was that the students started wanting to "rerecord their voices if it didn't sound just right".They began to worry about tone, inflection, and presentation.

Flat Stanley gets Parents involved
When students began the Flat Stanley Podcast , they had just read Jim Brown's book Flat Stanley, a book about traveling the world, even though in an unconventional way. Their teacher took the project out of the book and into the home by asking her students to do something different. Put themselves in the shoes of the main character and travel to another place by reading instead of going there in person. The thing that was so inspiring to me is that they got the parents involved. When they help their kids learning leaves the classroom and becomes part of their everyday life.

Podcasting in the Classroom
Podcasting in the Classroom is a great video to watch to show how technology can be applied in middle school classroom settings. By giving the characters in books recognizable and living voices brings the content of the book to life for the students. The video link also shows that students are able to cover missed material and review even more efficiently when the subject matter is available to them in audio as well as video form.

C4T Assessment #1 

Jen Deyenburg’s Fight for Tech in Teaching

            Jen Deyenburg is an educator working in Alberta and has until recently been working in the Albertan government to try and bring technology into the classrooms from that level. Now, she has accepted a new position as Learning Services Coordinator – Education Technology for Northern Gateway Public Schools in Whitecourt, Alberta. With this new position, Jen will have more access to teachers and students. She recently shared a presentation with elementary and middle school principals about using technology in their classrooms and gave them several examples of apps that could be used to encourage student’s creativity. She also stressed to them that this was not a replacement for worksheets or another form of busy work. I think that this is important for anyone in the education business. Students don’t need babysitters. They are where they are to be prepared for the coming years as committed members of society and lifelong learners.

            In my comments I encouraged Jen in her endeavors and tried to offer any insights I had on working in something you love instead of something that paid more or promised stronger or better results. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blog Post #3

I don't believe in Constructive Criticism

Correction and evaluation are key parts of teaching and it is imperative that one knows how and when to give correction. I say correction and not criticism, because I do not believe in constructive criticism. Criticism means to tear down and you cannot tear down and build up at the same time. I really like the fact that the model, explained in the slide show, for guiding someone to better their work should begin with complementing what the person did right. As the old saying goes, “you can attract more bees with honey than with vinegar.”
I also really liked that all three prompts for this assignment put in suggestions before correction, as this will give both the reviewer and the person on review the opportunity to exchange ideas and gain an understanding of what the other is trying to say. The exchange of ideas and information between others will only improve and expand our understanding.

Special Needs call for Special Methods
I really liked this video, Technology in Special Education because I have substitute taught in a multi-disabled class setting before and I felt, at times, that the program almost need to be a one on one teaching style because of the various challenges presented by the students varying levels of ability.
The fact that Ms. Cook found these methods of helping her students is amazing, whether on her own or with help and instruction, is truly astounding. Special education students are sometimes looked over or given little attention by all those who are not connected personally with the program. I would never have had the idea of using a keyboard to insure that a nonverbal student understood a concept just as thoroughly as a verbally communicative student.

Educating, Is there an App for that?
Though I don’t feel that I would enjoy working with multi-disabled students all the time, I have found that if you can find a shared interest with students the teaching becomes much easier. I love the app that Apple recently put out called Star Walk, which shows the position of planets, stars and other celestial bodies in the sky. With this app you could not only teach planetary orbits and constellation recognition but you could also go into mythology, and as Greek mythology seems to present itself in many books and poems lately make a transition into English, reading and reading comprehension.

My Future StudentsDigital Smarts
The technologies that will define the lives of my students don’t even exist yet, and it will be my job as an educator to prepare them to learn. Learn all their lives and trust that the same can be done whether you are the richest or the poorest, whether you be the bookworm or the computer geek we can all find out how to use the new tools around us to become better than what we are now. I don’t really know how I am going to incorporate the technology into my classes, as I expect to be teaching more Classical than technology age English, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. I will have to find the way to bring blogging into Shakespeare and maybe gaming into Grammar. I think that the most important thing is to give the student as much opportunity to teach as you take to instruct. They need the feeling that the education is for their future use not just for immediate regurgitation.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Blog Post #2
Did you know?

I think that the Did You Know video serves a direct message to anyone who watches it. Times are changing and all of us must adjust to survive. We are all in this program to become educators, we need to bring out the best in each of our students and get them to be educated. Able to think and do for them to discover and educate not just “teach” our understanding.
We need to start making the changes necessary now, focusing on how we can prepare them for the future. If my students were to be having a hard time understanding Shakespeare or Hawthorne, then I need to modernize my teachings, get them to translate the “old English” into their level. The most important thing for me as an educator and not just as an “instructor” is to give my students the tools to teach themselves, to learn instead of memorize and to focus on comprehension rather than repetition. Students need the opportunity to advance their skills in proficiency in both technological and mental capacity while in the classroom and displaying the research and numbers about computer access and availability to students really brings into focus that we need both writing and typing skills to make students employable in the near future.Here is a link for the video: Did you Know by Strange

Mr. Winkle and the Next big Leap

In the Mr. Winkle Wakes video, Mr. Winkle awakens to the modern world and all its technological glory: Wrinkle me this.
I agree that the classrooms across America are not on the cutting edge of technology and I also see the argument from both sides as to the problem being both an administrative and a teacher preference problem.
What needs to happen is that teachers do need to update their skills but we need administration and government cooperation to do so. You can’t change the system without getting the entire system on board. I had heard of blogs before but I had never used or seen one prior to this course. Whether it is small town schools or private academies, every child should be afforded the opportunity to succeed in the future and in their lives as a whole.

Sir Ken Robinson is waging war for Creativity, Who's signing up?

Ok, first off let me say I love this video. If you didn’t get a chance to, here is a link to Sir Ken Robinson’s video: Robinson's Creativity. I agree with him one hundred percent that we must give students the opportunity to learn in their own way. It is important for everyone to have the chance to learn, whether their learning style is physical or “in their head and a little to the left,” as Sir Robinson put it.
I think that one of the main points from his video that hit home with me is that Intelligence is distinct and different for each person. “All children are born with talent,” says Robinson “and we squander it.” In order for us to effective train them for life; we need to stop looking for pills to reconfigure students and “rethink the fundamental principles with which we educate our children.”

The Made of Glass video was simply stunning

I am amazed that technology is advancing to such a level so soon. I remember that my senior year in high school was just beginning to integrate smart boards into the classroom. Now it looks like we will be supplying students with new ways to see the world and the ways to learn and teach are in for a radical change Day Made of Glass.
I do think that we need to start preparing for the future now and make the changes to the current style of teaching so that we can help others to become integrated into a technological society. We need to keep some things like classical Literature and comprehension of style; however, we do need to involve and expose both our students and ourselves constantly. In the words of Sir Robinson, the foundations of our educational systems are beginning to shift beneath our feet.
combination of words from post one in various colors
Wordle Project Post

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blog Post Assignment #1

My Life in Two Paragraphs
I am Sidney Jensen, born to my parents, Wendell and Valerie Jensen, in October of the year of our Lord 1988. I was annxiously awaited by my two sisters, Wendee and Maethel, and we were all joined later by my youngest sister Emma. I have lived in Utah and Alabama in the United States and for two years in Paraguay, South America as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I have several interests and enjoy them regularly. I am an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts Of America, a return missionary for my church, a video-gaming enthusiast, and in constant search of new movies and music to watch and listen to. I enjoy camping and have lived in Wellington Alabama, a rural area with little of the many wonders available here in mobile. I love having good times with friends and learning new things and I have a real love of literature. I also love practicing my Spanish and trying new foods and things
By now you all are probably wondering, how did you decide to go into teaching? I have worked at a Boy Scout Summer Camp in Delta Alabama for six years and found that I enjoyed watching others move forward and begin to understand the world around them. I loved the opportunity to help others and also enjoyed watching everyone overcome their challenges in their own way. I then went on my mission and had daily opportunities to share knowledge on spiritual and doctrinal points in my religon as well as others. I returned and after a little time dithering over what I really wanted to do for the rest of my life, I combined my love of literature and teaching and decided to become an English teacher in high school. I got my Substitue teaching licence shortly after that and have thouroghly enjoyed the learning opportunities and experiences that have come along with that.
Randy Pausch On Time Managment
A lot of what Mr. Pausch discussed in his lecture is information that we covered as missionaries in South America, but I disagree with him that we "Americans" are not very good at time management. I think that it is a human fault, that all of us have a predisposition to procrastinate and that those who do excel at time management do so because it is a learned trait. As a missionary, we had weekly planning sessions every Friday and set weekly and daily goals for our proseliting work. We also had monthly and daily planning sessions respectivly. I agree that we need to ask ourselves, "What will happen if I don't do this?" whenever the urge to procrastinate hits us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012